For a closer look at the UW and NU units that are involved in this agreement, click on the image for a closer look.
Previous Agreement–Agreement 7
UW–Madison provided NU with the following services, consultation, and collaboration opportunities under UW-NU Agreement 8 (duration: August 2022 through June 2024):
SSH Academic Program Reviews: To support and help guide the continued growth and maturation of SSH departments and their programs of study, UW–Madison conducts external reviews of SSH’s four STEM departments (Biology, Chemistry, Math and Physics) and six social science and humanities departments (Economics; History, Philosophy & Religious Studies; Kazakh Language & Turkic Studies; Languages, Linguistics & Literature; Political Science & International Relations; and Sociology & Anthropology).
SSH ABET Accreditation Readiness: UW–Madison faculty and staff with deep experience in ABET accreditation provide support to the SSH accreditation team as it seeks ABET’s ANSAC accreditation for its biology, chemistry, math and physics programs.
SSH Faculty Mentoring: Senior faculty from UW–Madison serve as mentors to SSH faculty mentees to continue building faculty capacity to do research, engage in academic administration, and develop research-oriented networks.
SSH Faculty Leadership Development: UW–Madison faculty teams aid their NU counterparts as they develop a pilot leadership development program for for department chairs, thereby contributing to the strengthening of School-level governance.
SSH Human Resources Support: UW–Madison facilitates the participation of external members on SSH hiring committees and PhD thesis committees.
Evaluation of NU Offices & Programs: As the culminating piece of years-long consultations and in support of sustainable operational processes and policies, UW–Madison will undertake summative evaluations of the Academic Advising Office, Office of Enrollment Management, Admissions Office and First-Year & Freshman Experience program.
NU Student Services: Through technical consultative site visits, the UW–Madison team aids their NU student services counterparts in developing policies, practices and structures related to student advocacy and conduct.
Library Support: UW–Madison librarians participate in NU Library’s annual conference and the UW Wisconsin TechSearch provides interlibrary loan services to NU faculty, students and staff.