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Previous Agreements–Agreements 1–2
Next Agreement–Agreement 4
Under Agreement 3 (November 2012–December 2013), UW–Madison’s work with SHSS—and with the institution more broadly—shifted focus from consultation and creation toward a greater focus on capacity building.
Faculty Collaboration and Exchanges: A Visiting Scholars Program was established for junior faculty from SHSS and senior UW–Madison faculty. This involved bi-lateral week-long visits to engage in intellectual exchange and networking. As part of the program, four UW–Madison faculty members delivered scholarly papers, presented seminars to SHSS students, and provided coaching for SHSS faculty and administrators. Additionally, five SHSS faculty were matched with UW–Madison departments and during their visit to UW, the NU faculty delivered a public lecture, presented a seminar to students, consulted with faculty and staff, and were also able to utilize campus resources to further their own research projects.
Support of Language Teaching and Learning: UW–Madison language pedagogy specialists and practitioners partnered with faculty from the SHSS Kazakh Language, Literature and Culture Department through presentations, workshops, observations, and consultations on best practices. The purpose of these sessions was to: support the development of learner-centered curriculum and instructional methods, develop guidelines for the creation of proficiency measures and course achievement tests, and create technology-mediated course materials.
Professional Development for NU Faculty and Staff: UW–Madison team prepared professional development programs for NU staff in student affairs, career, advising, and business services. Through workshop presentations, training sessions, job shadowing, special events, and individual meetings, UW–Madison staff, faculty, and students shared their knowledge and expertise about the work environment of a research university.
Quality Assurance and Assessment: UW–Madison faculty with expertise in global higher education developed guidelines and recommendations regarding quality assurance and assessment of SHSS programs, and more broadly for NU leadership.
NU Library Development: The UW-Madison library team worked with the NU Library to facilitate professional development through a series of bilateral visits. The training sessions focused on the development of public services, library management and support. Under this Agreement, NU Library and Faculty/Staff researchers were given access to the Wisconsin TechSearch document delivery service to help obtain scholarly articles that were unavailable through NU Library’s electronic and online resources.