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Under Agreement 6 (April 2018 through June 2020), UW–Madison continued working with SHSS and NU faculty, along with staff across campus, and expanded its work with student services and administrative support units.
Office of the Registrar: The UW–Madison Registrar and Associate Registrar worked with the NU Office of the Registrar to evaluate its operational services, maintain existing processes and policies, and provide recommendations for continual improvements.
Admissions: The UW–Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment facilitated a targeted technical consultation for the NU Admissions Department staff focusing on best practices in domestic and international admissions and recruitment processes.
Writing Center Program: UW–Madison faculty and staff from the Writing Center and English as a Second Language program provided consultation and support to the NU Writing Center Program staff in a number of different areas including: participating as external members of hiring committees, conducting curriculum reviews, facilitating Writing Across the Curriculum training and providing support for its implementation, and delivering workshops.
Library: UW–Madison Library staff have engaged with the NU Library staff in several ways including: facilitating topical training workshops, participating in conferences, conducting evaluations, and providing ongoing consultation for the NU Library’s strategic planning process.
Student Services: Academic staff from various student-facing units at UW–Madison provided support for the continual development of co-curricular student-centered programming and policies at NU. The UW team partnered with the NU Department of Student Affairs around exploratory work in first-year and orientation programming, housing, sports and recreation programs, and student leadership. The UW team also worked with the NU Psychological Counseling Center reviewing areas for key growth and providing consultation on staff and program development. Finally, UW–Madison academic advising staff have continued their ongoing support of NU’s new cross-School Academic Advising Unit for undergraduate students.
Strategic School and Program Evaluation: To support SSH’s continued growth in promoting best practices in teaching excellence, research, and departmental governance, UW–Madison facilitated the evaluation of the Eurasian Studies post-graduate program.
Graduate Programs: UW–Madison facilitated the participation of external reviewers on SSH’s post-graduate admissions and thesis committees.
Faculty Mentoring: Senior faculty from UW–Madison served as mentors to SSH junior faculty to continue building faculty capacity to do research, engage in academic administration, and develop research-oriented networks.
Research Administration: Through consultative site visits, UW–Madison administrators aided NU research administrators in developing policies and processes that would promote rigorous research engagement, as well as discuss best practices related to research-related operational policies.